September, 2022

Cataracts- Fast Facts

By skaufman
Wednesday, September 28, 2022, 2:04 PM

For the third week of Healthy Aging Month, Team Precision is talking cataracts! Has your eye doctor talked to you about cataracts? Don't worry, cataracts are very common and are correctable! From start to finish, at Precision Eye and Laser, we will do a full exam to ensure you have cataracts, that there are no...  read more

Back Again!

By skaufman
Wednesday, September 28, 2022, 1:58 PM

For the second week of healthy aging month, Team Precision is stressing the importance of yearly exams. The best medicine is preventative medicine. Getting your eyes dilated yearly after the age of 50 is very important for the early diagnosis of age related eye disease that can affect you enjoying the golden years of your...  read more

Refractive Lens Exchange with Precision- Mike

By skaufman
Wednesday, September 7, 2022, 3:52 PM

This first week of September, which is also Healthy Aging month, Team Precision is here to remind you that you are never too old to leave glasses behind! It is a common misconception that once you age out of candidacy for Lasik correction, that there are no other options. Thankfully for our friend Mike, that...  read more

Staff Highlight- Bradley

By skaufman
Wednesday, September 7, 2022, 3:45 PM

This month we are throwing the spotlight on Bradley Steinberg, son of doctors Steinberg! You'll see him in the office when he isn't in college learning and working alongside his family. "I've been working for my dad for about 3 summers and each year I learn more. I'm going back to Boston College where I...  read more