November, 2023

Cataracts with Precision- Linda

By skaufman
Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 4:42 PM

Are cataracts limiting the joy in your life? We will make your procedure as easy and comfortable as possible. Dr. Steinberg specializes in a drop-less procedure so that most patients do not have to use any drops after surgery. In addition we offer innovative implants designed to provide clear vision at every distance, reducing your...  read more

Lasik with Precision- Jamie

By skaufman
Wednesday, November 22, 2023, 4:41 PM

Good riddance to those glasses! Jamie is another happy Lasik patient who underwent Lasik correction surgery and is delighted to say good riddance to her glasses. Dr. Steinberg corrected Jamie's vision through state-of-the-art Lasik eye surgery! If you are interested in scheduling a Lasik consultation, give us a call at 845-897-9500 today!  

Staff Highlight- Stacey

By skaufman
Monday, November 20, 2023, 9:53 PM

It's staff spotlight time today, Team precision is shining it on our technician/scribe Stacey. Stacey has been a part of our team for over a year bringing so much life and positivity to the office is it infectious! Here is what she had to say: "Coming from Physical Therapy into Opthalmology was a big career...  read more

Cataracts with Precision- Angela & Ron

By skaufman
Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 7:04 PM

At Dr. Steinberg's practice, we understand the frustration of worsening vision and constantly changing glasses because of cataracts. That's why we offer cataract surgery with multifocal premium lens implants, which greatly reduce your reliance on glasses. At Precision Eye and Laser, we also understand the patients' concerns about undergoing cataract surgery. We make the process...  read more

Happy Halloween From Team Precision!

By skaufman
Tuesday, November 7, 2023, 6:50 PM

Team Precision is wishing everyone a safe and happy Halloween! Whether you are having an eye exam or trick or treating, we hope you have a spooktacular Halloween this year! Call us to schedule an appointment today! (845) 897-9500