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Staff Highlight – Jen

For our May Staff Highlight we are throwing the spotlight on our technician Jen!

For our May Staff Highlight we are throwing the spotlight on our technician Jen! Jen has been on our team going into year 2 and has been a great addition. She runs all things social media and is one of our Certified Ophthalmic Assistants. Here is what she had to say:

“Working for Precision Eye and Laser has been an incredible opportunity. I have previously worked as a teacher, and dipping my toes into the medical field was not the easiest transition. I had a lot to learn. Luckily for me, I found this amazing team full of people who only wanted to see me succeed. Dr. Steinberg taught me everything I know about eyes and supported my continuing education. With Team Precision’s help I was able to achieve certification in September 2022. I am now a Certified Ophthalmic Assistant and am gearing up for my next certification this fall. From the very beginning of my employment, I noticed that this practice was different. Our staff meetings were patient centered and anytime something new came up, our team was ready to make changes. This even led to me developing our social media presence and taking on maintaining our website. To be taken seriously and treated like a professional is not something that I can say I’ve experienced at every place I’ve worked. Plus, I get to have a direct hand in protecting the sight of my patients. When I make someone’s glasses prescription and they have that ‘wow’ moment, or when they see how much their sight has improved after Cataract or Lasik surgery– that is what brings me the most joy. I love being able to help people and I love working in a place that lets me see the impact of my work on people’s lives on a daily basis. When I’m not in the office, you’ll catch me on the trails trying to find the next best place to see.”

Thank you for being a part of our team, Jen!