Staff Highlight- Laura

By skaufman
Tuesday, October 4, 2022, 1:35 PM

For September, Team Precision is throwing the spotlight on Laura! Laura has been with us for over 6 years and wears many hats. You'll see her at the front desk, scribing with the doctor, and coordinating surgery! Read below for Laura's story.

"When I joined Precision Eye and Laser 6 years ago, as a receptionist, I never would have imagined where my journey would take me. I have since become a technician, scribe, and surgical coordinator. I not only joined a team, I became a part of the family. Dr. Steinberg has supported me through my marriage, having my first child, and even correcting my vision as I received Lasik surgery this past fall. Just having Lasik made a world of difference in my life as I was a new mom at the time and it just made life easier as I was juggling bottles and diapers and didn't have to worry about my glasses and contacts as well. Precision Eye and Laser has definitely been life-changing!"

We love having you be a part of the team Laura!



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